*This is actually my first fan site so things may get off to a bumpy start but I will try and update as often as possible*
8/5-I added some new fan art and promoted my site more.
8/9-I added a page full of pix from the Kid's Choice Awards.
8/14-I added another photo gallery. Check it out! More pix will be added daily!
9/19-Sorry times a trillion for not updating in so long. I just had a birthday...sweet sixteen baby!! Plus, i've recently started school and things have been hectic lately. But i managed to create a new gallery 4 ya with a crap load of pix. Check it out! Props to Lauren's new official site for the pix. To go to this site check the "Links" page.
9/21-I changed a few of the pix around the site to newer more recent ones of Lauren. Enjoy!
10/7-I haven't updated in a while, but today i decided to add Gallery 4 with some spiffy new pix from Lauren's unscripted. Enjoy! |