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Exclusive interview from!

Here is yet another interview from Degrassi's official site all about Lauren, her hobbies, her interest, ect.

Lauren Collins (Paige)
How similar are you to the character you play?: Paige and I are quite different. She is much more forward and abrasive than me. But we are similar in the sense that we both care a lot about our close friends & family. We also both love clothes!

Who would be the 5 people (living, dead or fictional) you would invite to have dinner with you? : Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, Coco Chanel, John Lennon, Bob Marley

Fave karaoke song: MmmBop by Hanson and Wannabe by the Spice Girls

Do you have any pets?: Nope

What do you do to unwind and avoid stress?: Spend time being silly with my best friends and listen to the Dave Matthews band

Best beauty tip or health advice: Find a type of exercise that you ACTUALLY enjoy and stick with it. Don't force yourself to do something you hate

Fave item of clothing: Right now my vintage brown suede jacket someone gave to me and my Buddhist Punk shirtdress with the Rolling Stones logo on it

Fave subject at school: Law

What TV or movie character do you wish you could have played?: Rachel on Friends or Charlotte (Scarlett Johanson's role) in ''Lost in Translation''

When did you decide you wanted to be an actor? What influenced your decision?: I fell into it completely. A teacher suggested I try community theatre and from there I went professional. After my first day on set at 11 years old I told my mom that was what I wanted to do

Is there anything you would NOT do in your acting career?: I think I would only know the answer to this question when the situation came up

Complete this sentence: If I wasn't an actor I would be: Practically anything in the entertainment industry

Most embarrassing moment: I have a tendency to walk faster than my friends so I can't even tell you the number of times that I've been talking and walking with friends only they stopped walking and I kept talking, making me look totally crazy

Cellphone tune: This really annoying Caribbean-esque song called ''The Islands''

Britney, Beyonce, Christina and Mandy are all in the ring - who’s the last one standing? : Christina for her voice, Mandy for personality and style

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I wish I was more of a risk-taker

Shoe size: 7.5

Tips for charming someone you are crushing on: Be yourself, confidence is also a serious ''boy- attractor''. There is nothing wrong with playful flirting but DON'T be misleading

What is the most romantic thing that anyone has done for you? (or you have done?) : It's the little things I find romantic: opening doors, offering me his coat. I love a gentleman

Fave thing to do with friends: Just be a regular teen: go shopping, act stupid, go out dancing

Fave ice-cream flavor: Half-Baked Ben and Jerry's

Personal philosophy: Always be yourself - as cliched as it sounds